About - Moms Make Cents
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Hey Friend!

Welcome to my little piece of the internet. I started Moms Make Cents in June of 2016 to help teach moms how to build profitable blogs and businesses so they could have the freedom to stay home with their kiddos.

I’ve been blogging since June 2012 and have been in love with online marketing ever since. I have learned so much in the last five years and I am so glad that you are here and that I can share that with you. I have a unique perspective because I have worked on both sides of the blogging sphere. I’ve had multiple blogs, but I’ve also worked as a brand manager coordinating collaborations with bloggers and influencers.

Now a little bit about me, I am a mama to the sweetest little four-year-old boy and a baby girl, wife to my college sweetheart, a chocolate addict and country music lover.

Image of the female site author McKinzie Bean

Be A Part Of the Blogging Community!

Join over 20,000 other bloggers in my private facebook group! Connect and collaborate with others that understand the same excitements and challenges of blogging.

Our story

the back story behind moms make cents

In March 2015, one month before I was going to have our first baby my husbands employer started to struggle. Rumor of layoffs kept popping up left and right and immediately all of the employees pay was cut by 1/3. Not super comforting when next month you are supposed to start living on one income!

It had always been my dream to stay at home with my little ones and all the sudden that was seeming far away. 

I frantically started searching for ways to work from home, but all I could find were customer service jobs at $10/hour and I still would have to get a babysitter. After a couple months of defeat I took matters into my own hands and decided that I would create my own business and work for myself. 

Eventually, in that first year as a stay-at-home mom I built three businesses to help keeps our family afloat.

As more of my husband’s coworkers started to hear about what I was doing with the businesses their wives started to ask me for advice and help and starting their own!

One night I was writing up a long word document about one of the businesses I was running (that word doc eventually turned into this blog post) to give to one of the other wives when all of the sudden it dawned on me. If there were this many women close to home that needed help, imagine how many more I could help if I could take this online…and all the sudden Moms Make Cents was born. 


I want to help you be as successful as you can! Below are some of my favorite resources to help you get started.

My Secret Tools for Bloggers

Swipe my secret toolkit with all of my favorite resources that I use to run my online businesses every day.

Crush it on Pinterest

Learn how to make Pinterest work for you in this free five-day Pinterest course.

Start Your Blog

Let me walk you through the exact steps to set up your blog today, so you can create the life you want!

MY professional BACKGROUND

In college I knew that I wanted to help other families take control of their finances and create the life they dreamed of. I first finished a bachelors in Behavior Science that allowed me to have an in-depth understand of people and how we make choices. I continued with my studies by getting a second bachelors in Financial Planning from the University of Utah where I studied estate planning, insurance, investing and more. 

as featured on

Over the last three years I’ve had the opportunity to be featured as a source in many major online publications such as, 

  • U.S. Chamber of Commerce

  • Small Business & Entrepreneurship Council

  • MSN

  • Forbes

  • Yahoo Finance

  • Money.com

  • Mic.com

  • Business News Daily

  • Go Banking Rates

  • Chime Bank

  • FreshBooks

  • Moolanomy

  • Authority Hacker

  • Template Monster

  • Tailwind

  • Making Sense of Cents

  • The Work At Home Woman

  • The Week

  • The Penny Hoarder

  • And more.