Tailwind Tribes: How To Get More Pinterest Shares
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Tailwind Tribes: How To Get More Pinterest Shares

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Social media graphic with notebook, pencils and paperclips with text What Are Tailwind Tribes and How To Use Them to Grow Your Blog Traffic

Not sure what Tailwind Tribes are?

If you have a blog or online business, most likely you are also using Pinterest to promote your blog and engage with your audience. Tailwind is a Pinterest scheduling app that you can use to share your pins with a customized schedule that is created for when your followers are online.

It is one way to manage your Pinterest strategy. Tailwind also has a feature called Tailwind Tribes. Tribes are a great way to get more shares for your pins and reach a new audience. 

Here’s how you can make the most of Tailwind Tribes for your online business:

What are Tailwind tribes?

Tailwind Tribes are groups of bloggers and other influencers on Pinterest that have a similar niche. They come together to share and promote each other’s pins.

You can join a Tailwind Tribe and share other people’s content (queue them up in your scheduled pins) while others will also be able to share your content. The more people who see your pins, the more repins your pins can get.

What’s great about Tailwind Tribes is that you can get to discover new content that might not have come up in your feed, and can be a great way to find valuable content for your audience. It is also a great way for you to get your pins in front of new eyes too!

Tailwind Tribes makes it is easier to get more repins, traffic, and extend your reach.

How to choose tailwind tribes

It is important that you choose a Tailwind Tribe that is in your niche because you would want your content in front of the right audiences. If a Tailwind Tribe is public, you can just search for it by typing in a certain topic/niche, and you should be able to find some.

Once you have found the Tribe or Tribes you want to join, you can click “Join Now” if it is a public Tribe. 

If a Tailwind Tribe is private, then you would need to have an invite in order to get in – to do this click “Request to Join”. If you are starting with a free plan, you can only send requests for up to 5 tribes.

Screenshot of example of Tailwind Tribe listings

Aside from invitations, you can check out the Tribes tab on Tailwind and typing in a keyword relating to your niche. You can then see different and popular categories depending on the topic.

After you have chosen and joined a Tribe, you can see a Tribes section on the left part. Once you click on this, you can access the Tribe.

Choosing The Best Tailwind Tribes

Making sure you join the right tribe is essential since you don’t want to be wasting time and money on the wrong ones. Aside from assessing the Tribes before joining them, you can also do a monthly analysis or evaluation to get a good idea of how the Tribes are working for you.

Here’s how you can evaluate your Tailwind Tribes:

Check their activity

When you preview a certain tribe, you can see the number of members as well as their activity. Activity means how much engagement that tribe is getting and how active their tribe members are. The more bars you see the better.

If you see 3 or less, this usually means that the tribe isn’t that great and you probably won’t get as much return.

Look for high-quality pins

The preview tribe button can give you information about a tribe’s number of members, pins, topics, and visibility. If you see vertical pins high-quality, that is a good sign.


This is content that you are going to share with your audience and these are the type of accounts that will be sharing your pins. You want them to be as amazing as you are!

You can also preview the content to ensure that it will be beneficial to your own audience. There are times when the “bigger” tribe, doesn’t necessarily mean it is best for you.

Your pins might not be re-pinned or shared due to too many topics are being covered. So even if a bigger tribe seems more appealing, the smaller ones might be more beneficial for you.

This is why it is best to evaluate the relevance of a certain tribe so you can make the right decision before joining.

Check out tribe rules

You can check out a Tribe’s rules and get information like what is the maximum amount of pins you can send daily, how often you can repost the same content, or how image orientation should be. You can also check out what blog topics are covered in the tribe, the kinds of posts (products, pages, or affiliates), and share ratio.

Share ratio is an important one because it determines how many of your own pins you can share, or and how much you need to be repinning.

Many tribes enforce a 1:1 ratio. This means that you share 1 tribe pin for every 1 pin you submit. If you don’t have that much content yet, a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio would also work for you. This means that you would share 2 or 3 tribe pins for every 1 pin of yours you would submit.

When it comes to the Pinterest SmartFeed, keep in mind that your own pins get the most engagement so a 1:1 ratio is usually the best fit.

Number of tribe members

You also can take a look at the number of Tribe members currently in a Tribe. This is because the fewer the members, the more likely your pins will stand out and they will be shared more. However, you don’t want a tiny tribe (unless this is a private group with you and a few blogging friends). 

Usually between 30-300 members has been the sweet spot for me. You have enough pinners that you can get a lot of shares, but not so many that yours can quickly get overlooked.

Tailwind Tribe Performance

Tribes have built-in insights features to see how well your tribes are performing. Look to see how the tribes are working for you – ex. how many shares you are getting, your reach, etc.

You can view this as a whole for your account or for individual tribes.

Screenshot of Tailwind Tribes features

Tailwind tribes pricing

There are a variety of plans you can choose from:

Free Plan

If you are still a beginner to Tailwind tribes, you can choose this free plan. This means you don’t need to pay any fees since it’s totally free. A free plan gives you 5 Tailwind tribes, while submitting 30 pins per month.

Tailwind tribes power up

Power-ups give you the option to join more tribes and contribute more content. For example, one piece of content submitted to 10 tribes is equal to 10 submissions. You can start getting a Tailwind tribes power-up for $5 a month.

You can see them right away in your dashboard if you are planning to power up. If you are still starting and aren’t sure, you can always just do a free plan and track your one-month performance to determine which tribes work for you and which ones didn’t. You can then power up accordingly.

Pro Plan

For $59.88 a year, this plan gives you access to 10 tribe memberships and you can also submit 80 content submissions.

Max Plan

For $119.88 a year, you can have unlimited tribe memberships, submitting 200 content posts a month.

Unlimited Plan

The most expensive plan with $359.88 per year, you can get unlimited tribe memberships, with unlimited content submissions.

Screenshot of Tailwind Tribes plans

How Tailwind Tribes work

The way Tailwind Tribes work is you add pins to the Tribes and if your “tribemates” want to share your pin, they can pin it on their own boards. This will result in more exposure for you and your content and is kind of like a domino effect.

The more Tailwind tribes you have, the more chances that your pin or posts would get more re-shares, re-pins, interaction, and engagement, and your blog would get more traffic.

You can easily put great content out there which your online community and audience is needing and wanting.

Tribe Rules:

Depending on the tribe, there are certain rules for how many posts you would pin and how many you would need to share for example. Other rules could be things like you would need to only post good quality vertical pins.

When it comes to re-pinning pins in the tribe, it would depend on the rules. You don’t need to be re-pinning everything if you are not required to. Some pins won’t fit your blog or won’t match with your online business so it’s okay to not re-pin them.

Screenshot of Tailwind Tribes with text of tribe rules

Adding Pins To Tailwind Tribes

To add pins to the tribe, click on “Add to Tribes” in the Tailwind chrome extension.

Screenshot from Tailwind Tribes Add to Queue

This can be from pins that you have already pinned to your account, or even in the drafts page section. You can also select the checkboxes if you want to choose various tribes.

Screenshot from Tailwind Tribes showing tribes

If you want to chat with other tribe members, there is a speech bubble on the lower right side that you can click on. If you want to see certain stats about a pin, you can hover over a number next to the Tailwind logo. You can then see the popularity stats like how popular they are on Facebook, Pinterest, Google etc.

Social media graphic with pen and paperclips with text How I Got 20,926 Pageviews My First Month Blogging

You will also be able to see who contributed that pin when you look at the upper left-hand corner and you can see the name of the person as well as the date and time it was added.

If you have already published that pin, you can see a green “published” banner while if you have scheduled that pin, you can see a blue “scheduled” banner.

You can see at the bottom of the pin how often it has been repinned in the tribe and by whom. Again, this makes it easy to check out other tribe members and connect with them or discover and share their content. 

You also have the option of creating your own tribe if you want to. You just need to click on “Create new tribe” and provide all the information. This is one way you can create a tribe with only members that you want!

Once you have created your own tribe and invited others, you can have your own community of bloggers sharing and contributing to good quality content and pins.

Tailwind tribes vs Pinterest Group Boards

Both Pinterest groups and Tailwind Tribes have the goals of getting high-quality content out there and shared through the community. They also aim to drive traffic towards your blog or online business. These two will also help you stay rank well on the Pinterest SmartFeed.

When it comes to their differences, Tailwind tribes helps you control what content your followers see. This is because you choose which pins that you share vs. a group board where your followers can have any of the pins on the group board come up in their feed. If the group board is not moderated well this can become a problem. 


Tailwind tribes can be a great addition to your Pinterest strategy for your online blog or business. Joining the right ones can help you get your content out there, increase engagement, as well as traffic to your site. It is important to evaluate your tribes every now and then in order to check if they are working as best as they can for you.

Have you used tailwind tribes and what are your tips?

More Tailwind Help:

How To Use Tailwind To Skyrocket Your Traffic

How To Use Tailwind SmartLoop To Recycle Your Pins

Social media graphic with notebook, pencils and paperclips with text What Are Tailwind Tribes To Explode Your Blog Traffic

McKinzie Bean
McKinzie is a mom of two, and a personal finance enthusiast. She loves teaching other moms how to save money, make money, and take control of their financial situation. She has started five profitable businesses and in college, she double-majored in Financial Planning and Psychology. You may have seen her in publications like Forbes, The US Chamber of Commerce, Yahoo Finance, Money.com, The Penny Hoarder, & more.

3 thoughts on “Tailwind Tribes: How To Get More Pinterest Shares”

  1. McKinzie, I enjoyed reading this article. In your experience, do Tribes get you TRAFFIC in addition to impressions/reach. Really only interested in the former. Thanks!

    1. Hey Drew!

      I will admit that as of late I have been very passive with using Tribes simply because I have been pressed for time. But, with that said, Tribes (and their repins/shares) currently account for roughly 10% of my sessions. I’m sure if I devoted more time to it that number would increase!

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